Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Trying to catch me riding NERDY!

That final coming up tomorrow morning? No energy to study? Time to bring out the NERD! No, I'm not talking about Eugene from down the hall with the 4.0 GPA, I'm talking about NERD the drink! It has everything you need to ace that exam! It'll give you the energy to make it through the long night in the books, plus keep you focused! Its awesome, sweet, tangy limeade flavor will give your taste-buds a kick in the rear to get you jump started! This power packed drink gets its kick from 1000mg Taurine, 600mg Glucuronolactone, 80mg Caffeine, 25mg Guarana, 25mg Inositol, 25mg Ginseng Panax Extract, and 15mg L-Carnitine. Additionally, NERD gets its brain boosting power from Vinpocetine, Huperzine A, DMAE, and Chinese Ginkgo Biloba! These drinks provide an insane, sometimes jittery boost that powers you through just about anything! It is still breaking its way into the market, so you might have to search to find this one. You can always check out their site at Overall this is an amazing drink that is sure to please!


  1. cool blog, now following. i like nerd drink. one of my favs

  2. interesting blog. i dont know where to buy this kind of tdrinks

  3. TSTC student AND an energy drink fanatic? Small world. :)

  4. mmm.... Interesting :)

  5. Oh thank god an energy drink for nerds like me. Where on earth do you find it though?

  6. I usually chug coffee,but I can see how that`s gonna fuck me up in the long run.

  7. I can usually find it at Kroger, or you can buy it on their site at NERDBEVERAGE.COM.

  8. i could use this. i was falling asleep during class today *yawn*

  9. Can't wait to see what you post next time.

  10. Tryin' to catch me ridin' dirty
    Tryin' to catch me ridin' dirty

  11. Where do these energy drinks come from. in england we have like 5 different ones and that's it
